Tag Archive | Tracie Peterson

Treasured Grace by Tracie Peterson

Finally Free

Treasured Grace by Tracie Peterson is a marvellous Christian historical romance. It is the start of the Heart Of The Frontier series and what a cracking read that promises to be.

Set in 1847, Tracie Peterson has incorporated the Whitman Mission massacre into her work of fiction. This does not make for easy reading but history is not always kind. We need to learn from history in the hope of not repeating it.

The novel highlights the tensions between the Native Americans and the white settlers. Fear brings hostility. Some on both sides are unable to see past the colour of a person’s skin. Others realise a man’s worth is in their character. “He was… a good hearted man who cared about people no matter their colour.”

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A Love Transformed by Tracie Peterson

Worth Waiting For

transformedA Love Transformed by Tracie Peterson is the third book in the Sapphire Brides trilogy but it can be read as a stand-alone. The novel is a Christian historical romance set in 1917, just as America had entered World War I. It is a wonderful read and one that will take up residence in the reader’s heart.

The novel deals with espionage, murder and intrigue. It will have you guessing the outcome throughout.

Tracie Peterson always writes cracking stories with God at the heart. Her recipe for life is “Seeking God. Knowing God. Obeying God. Trusting God.” She shows how it is important to know not only God but His word. “Her only comfort had been her Bible.” At all times we need to seek God’s word.

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A Beauty Refined by Tracie Peterson

The Master Craftsman

BeautyA Beauty Refined by Tracie Peterson is a Christian historical romance set in 1907 in Montana. It is the second book in the Sapphire Brides series but can be read as a stand-alone.

I always love Tracie Peterson’s novels. She writes good godly tales but is not afraid to tackle hard hitting subjects. Within A Beauty Refined there is the topic of domestic abuse. It does not always make for easy reading but Tracie Peterson sensitively presents it. Abuse is no respecter of age or status. It can be a ‘habit’ or it may have a trigger. However it occurs, it is always wrong. The victim needs to either tell someone or remove themselves from the abuser. Both require courage.

Linked in to the theme of abuse are the themes of anger, lack of self control, alcoholism and gambling. Characters with these traits, if left unchecked, will experience a downwards spiral.

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Beyond The Silence by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse

A Sense of Belonging

Beyond the silenceBeyond The Silence by Tracie Peterson and Kimberley Woodhouse is a Christian romantic thriller set in the fictional town of Angels Falls in the 1890’s. Some books take a while to get into – not this one, I was hooked from the very first page.

Jimmy witnesses his mother’s murder and fears to speak again after being threatened by the murderer. His father Woody is arrested but then released as there is no evidence against him.

The novel opens two years later as Lillian has accepted a job as Jimmy’s nanny, several states away from where she lives with her grandfather. Lillian’s grandfather is a bitter man who threatens to cut Lillian out of his life forever if she leaves.

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