God’s Callings

The Witness Tree by Denise Weimer is a marvellous Christian historical tale. It will both educate and entertain as factual details are woven into a fictional story. The novel is set in 1805 and the reader hears about the interactions between the Moravians and the Cherokee – some good, some not so good. Over the whole book lingers the fragrance of God.
We all have dreams and desires of our heart. When God is the Author of those dreams in our hearts, they cannot fail. All will be accomplished but in God’s perfect timing.
There is the pioneering spirit as new lands open up. The desire to bring the Word of God to the Cherokees motivates a move. Moravians and Cherokees learn each other’s language so they can communicate. It is important to be able to read God’s Word in your own language.
Education brings freedom and choice. The Moravians were forward thinking in educating girls as well as boys.
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