Tag Archive | The Summer Swap

The Summer Swap by Sarah Morgan

A Pure Delight

The Summer Swap by Sarah Morgan is a delightful contemporary novel and just perfect for a summer read. It is a fun, light-hearted read that is juxta-posed with some serious themes.

The are two major themes – one of those is grief. Grief looks different for different people. No two grief journeys are the same. Each person must work through their own journey at their own pace. “You can’t rush a grieving person… and fix it. The best you can do is be there for them.” We walk our grief path alone and appreciate our loved ones supporting us by simply being there.

The path of grief is not linear. There are bumps in the road and hills and valleys. “Grief is a slippery beast… just when you think you’re doing okay, it trips you up.” One day life will feel better.

We see a life lived in the shadow of a husband. Following his death, a widow must “discover who she was without Cameron.” Now is the time to go on a journey of re-discovery but “she didn’t have to pretend she was fine.” It is a learning curve, learning to live again.

In the other lead character, we see the second major theme – that of making your own life choices and not choosing a path to simply please your parents. “You can’t live your life for your parents… You have to make your own choices.” Parental pressure has been huge. “You can’t live your life trying to please your parents.” The parent’s idea of success is linked to financial reward. For their daughter, success is pursuing a passion and realizing a dream. “What they felt was right and what she felt was right were two different things.”

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