Tag Archive | The Librarian

The Librarian by Valerie Keogh


The Librarian by Valerie Keogh is a thrilling contemporary suspense that entertained me as my pulse rose. It is definitely not a book to be read alone on a dark night or you will be awake listening to every creak and groan!

The past is a dreadful place to inhabit – ten years of guilt tormenting a character who cannot quite get past one night that haunts her memory.

Full descriptions create an eerie atmosphere that plunge the reader, along with the characters, into a nightmare as a life seems to be spiraling out of control. It seems that trouble is following and messing with a mind that is already disquieted.

We see the bond of sisterhood between sisters and friends as they support each other through troubling seasons.

London, though huge, can be very lonely and is a place where no one will hear you scream.

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