Tag Archive | The Family Behind The Walls

The Family Behind The Walls by Shari J Ryan

Pointing The Way Home

The Family Behind The Walls by Shari J Ryan is a powerful historical novel that gripped me from the start.

The book opens in Germany in 1942 as we follow six members of one Jewish family through the war years.

We witness the pit of hell that is Auschwitz and see that more than just hope is needed to survive, luck is needed too.

We also join the children’s camp and then a church-run orphanage.

It is important to have hope. “I need to give Lilli hope.” Without hope, the people perish.

We see the lessons of the past keep characters grounded and give them a purpose even in the darkest of times. “They may take my hair, but not Mama’s teaching to care, lead and be brave for those unable to.”  We need to be the beacon that shines in the darkness.

Within the pit that is Auschwitz, trust is in short supply. “We’re rewarded for turning on each other. Desperation can alter a person’s ability to navigate their morals.” People are exploited when they are at their lowest. An animal instinct to survive kicks in.

In contrast we witness a character who serves. “Hate is the only contagious disease that’s killed more people here than typhus.” We do not want to water the seed of hate but feed the seed of care and compassion.

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