Tag Archive | The Camera Never Lies

The Camera Never Lies by David Rawlings

The Greatest Gift

The Camera Never Lies by David Rawlings is a powerful contemporary novel about the importance of truth and integrity. As with the previous novel, The Baggage Handler, this book has the potential to change lives if we would just apply the advice given.

The Bible declares that ‘the truth shall set you free’, why then is it sometimes so hard to do? “Truth cannot simply be avoided, covered up or ignored.” Do we prefer to hide the truth because of embarrassment? Or fear? Or something else? We must be truthful because lies and secrets will destroy us sooner or later.

The novel explores the foundations of life. Have we built our houses on the Rock or sinking sand? “I think I’d die if I lost that kitchen.” Really? If our treasure is in stuff, we are in trouble. Treasure is to be found in people and God.

A marriage in trouble has far reaching effects. We need honesty to rebuild the cracks or our relationships will crash. We cannot afford to ignore or push our problems under the carpet. We need to deal with them now. We need to look “through the lens of honesty.”

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