Tag Archive | The All American

The All American by Susie Finkbeiner

Growing Up & Following Dreams

The All American by Susie Finkbeiner is a most delightful Christian historical novel that I completely savored, never wanting it to end.

The novel is set during 1952 as we follow an all-American family of parents, two daughters and a cat. Their extended family is a married brother and sister-in-law, and an uncle. All the events are seen in the first person, alternating between eleven year old Flossie and her older sister Bertha.

The sisters are similar but different. They both have unique relationships with their father who is an author. Flossie is a bookworm – Gilbert Blythe and Anne Shirley are two of her favourite characters. She ‘lives’ her books, liking nothing better than an afternoon in the library.

In contrast, Bertha is a keen baseball player. Her dream is to play for the ladies Sweet Peas team. She is never happier than joining the boys at school for a baseball game.

Both girls have close relationships with their father who encourages their individual dreams.

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