Tag Archive | Stacy Monson

When Mountains Sing by Stacy Monson

Hiker Girl On A Journey

When Mountains Sing by Stacy Monson is a most delightful contemporary Christian novel and part of the Mosaic Collection.

The novel is a journey of discovery to find out not just who we are but whose we are. We all want to know our roots but they are not nearly as important as knowing to whom we belong. We are a child of God whether we realise it or not. “You were never an oops in His eyes… Your true DNA is found in Him.” No matter what the truth about our conception, each one of us was planned by God. We are “exactly who God meant you [us] to be.”

Within the novel there is the theme of family. “Blood isn’t the only thing that makes a family.” Family is the people who love us and look after us. We are also adopted into God’s family. No matter what our past looks like, we can all have a glorious ending with God.

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Open Circle by Stacy Monson

Whatever It Takes

Open Circle by Stacy Monson is a marvellous and heartfelt contemporary Christian novel that surrounds the topics of dementia and Alzheimer’s. It was refreshing to have a tale that focused on the over sixties.

Far from being a gloomy read, Open Circle is uplifting, caring and full of love. The characters are elderly but not unseen. They still have a part to play in life and are encouraged to live life. To be active and not passive. “When we’re young, we have a purpose. As we get old, it’s harder to find reasons to get up in the morning.” The book emphasises the importance of seeing the individual and of tailoring their needs. To celebrate what they can do and not what they no longer can do. It is encouraging their strengths and playing down their weaknesses. “Celebrate uniqueness.”

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