Tag Archive | Shop On The Corner

Shop On The Corner by Lin Stepp

Faithful One

 Shop On The Corner by Lin Stepp is the most charming contemporary Christian novel that I thoroughly enjoyed.

The action is set in small town America where the residents are warm and welcoming. The cover really sets the scene and this is re-enfored by Lin Stepp’s rich descriptions. Her words paint vivid pictures in the reader’s head.

A major theme surrounds re-purposing furniture, giving it a new lease of life. This reminds the reader that God is in the re-purposing business. He takes our dirty lives, washes us in His blood and clothes us with His love and gives us a new start in Him.

We witness a character who appears to have repented of past ways and turned a new corner – but the act of going to church does not make you a Christian any more than going into a hamburger joint makes you a hamburger. Appearances on the outside are shiny new, but the heart is still rotten.

Listening to the heart of God will give us the roadmap for our lives. “He [God] was stirring up my nest to make me want to fly.” God will always equip us wherever He sends us.

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