Tag Archive | Shelley Shepard Gray

Unforgotten by Shelley Shepard Gray

Superb Suspense

Unforgotten by Shelley Shepard Gray is a powerful Christian Amish contemporary suspense that I thoroughly enjoyed.

There are the hard hitting and difficult themes of stalking and abuse. We learn that a character has been a victim of an attack in the past, and it has affected her whole life. She feels guilty as if the attack was her fault. It wasn’t and “she needed to forgive herself.” We are never responsible for the actions of another. We need to be kind to ourselves, always offering grace and forgiveness to the face in the mirror.

Throughout the novel there is a very creepy character who watches from the shadows. There are some very dark scenes at night which heightens the suspense, raising the tension. The action mirrors the conditions.

We witness the bond between cousins. They are very close-knit, supporting each other. Life means that they are equally strong for the other but at different stages.

Sometimes in life, life makes no sense. We cannot see where we are going but God sees. She “didn’t have any idea what was going to happen next, but God did.” God knows our end from our beginning and we can trust Him.

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An Uncommon Protector by Shelley Shepard Gray

Of Promises And Brotherhood

An Uncommon Protector by Shelley Shepard Gray is a marvellous Christian historical romance, set in the aftermath of the American Civil war. I absolutely loved it.

War changes people – for better or for worse. Bonds of brothers formed in hardship, persist in peacetime, united by shared memories and promises. Women and children suffered. Men did unthinkable things. Some people still believed in goodness. “She still believed in goodness in the world, even though she had survived a war.”

War can make or break people, freeing them from their past. In times of crisis, men turned to God. “I  realise how much they have to be thankful for and they count their blessings.

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Her Secret by Shelley Shepard Gray

Counting Your Blessings

Her Secret by Shelley Shepard Gray is an Amish romantic mystery and I really enjoyed it. It is the first book of The Amish Of Hart County which promises to be a cracking series.

Her Secret has many themes including that of secrets. Secrets are never a good idea. They may become burdensome. Secrets need to be brought out into the light and burdens shared. “Even if the truth hurt, it was always better in the end.”

There is the topic of anxiety. Anxiety can ruin our lives. Anxiety can trap us into a prison of our own making. Anxiety links to worry. “It ain’t a good idea to go around worrying about the future.” God tells us to worry about nothing and to pray about everything. Fear is the opposite of faith. “Faith is believing when you don’t have proof.” Faith is handing our fears over to the One who has conquered death.

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An Amish Family Christmas by Shelley Shepard Gray

Dealing With The Past

amishAn Amish Family Christmas by Shelley Shepard Gray is a contemporary Amish romance. It is the fourth book in the Charmed Amish Life series but can be read as a stand-alone. It is a perfect read for any time of year and not just for Christmas.

The novel deals with the theme of running away. Julia and her six year old daughter Penny have been running away for six years. Julia is letting her past define her and have a hold on her life. “Running from problems didn’t solve anything.” She needs to face her demons and deal with them.

Tying into that theme of running away is the difficult topic of domestic abuse. It is the reason Julia is running and the reason she has trust issues. It is not always easy reading but Shelley Shepard Gray has sensitively portrayed it.

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