Tag Archive | Lisa Renee Ruggeri

The Lost Letters Of Christmas by Lisa Renee Ruggeri

Christmas Cheer

The Lost Letters Of Christmas by Lisa Renee Ruggeri is a charming children’s Christmas novel that is perfect for ages ten years and over. It is a novel that will delight you whatever your age as you receive a little bit of Christmas magic.

We see the effects of loneliness on two generations of girls who have lived in the same house. “She felt so far away from everything she loved” … due to a house move. The other young girl, twenty five years earlier had felt unloved and ignored, even by Father Christmas after she had written letters. “My parents don’t care about Christmas… They don’t even see me… I wanted to feel like I mattered to someone… I guess you’re [Santa] too busy, or maybe I’m not worth it.”

Both girls react differently to loneliness. One withdraws. The other throws herself into a project in order to give herself a purpose.

There is a mystery to solve – who is the little girl from twenty five years earlier?

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