Tag Archive | Lily Lawson

Santa’s Early Christmas by Lily Lawson


Santa’s Early Christmas by Lily Lawson is a delightful book for the under sevens. It is perfect to read to young children or for early readers to read themselves.

The main body of the book has rhyming couplets to accompany each illustration. These enable the poem to bounce along in a rhythm. After your children have heard it a few times, they will soon be joining in.

At the end of the book are a few longer poems. All equally delightful.

The whole book is simply illustrated by Gustyawan. Each page can be a starting point for a discussion with our children as we see all the traditional food associated with Christmas.

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If I Were Invisible by Lily Lawson

Easily Relatable

If I Were Invisible by Lily Lawson is a charming book for the under fives.

The whole book is simply constructed in rhyme, making it easy for our children to join in. Each page prompts a discussion with our children – would you like to be invisible? Why? Or why not?

We see the importance of family and friends.

The whole book is simply illustrated by Gustyawan. There is so much detail within each page. It is easy to relate to the main character.

This is a really fun book that would enhance any child’s personal library. I think every early years classroom should have a copy too.

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