Tag Archive | Kyle McNutt

Unconstrained: Loving God With Abandon by Kyle McNutt

Did You Learn To Love?

Unconstrained: Loving God With Abandon by Kyle McNutt is a marvellous and powerful book that delves into scripture, analyses and explains it with the aim of helping us draw closer to God.

The content of the book is explained in the title – it is all about loving God with every part of your life. Do we love God with our time? Our finances? Our pursuits and passions? With every fibre of our being? If not, why not? God desires every part of us. God is not just for Sundays in church. God is for 24/7. He wants to do life in partnership with you. We must give the driving seat of our lives over to God.

Loving God is not just a nice idea or a suggestion. Loving God is a commandment that will improve our lives.

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