So Brave, So Beautiful
And It Was Beautiful by Kara Tippetts is her third book. It is split into four acts and is made up of entries from her blog Mundane Faithfulness. It is a beautiful book. Kara Tippetts was so brave and so beautiful.
Kara Tippetts was a young mum of four, fighting cancer. She had a loving husband Jason. She fought her cancer bravely. She could have become bitter, but she wasn’t. “If you live long with an illness, you can begin to be defined by it. I have cancer, but that’s only a part of who I am.” Kara knew exactly who she was. She was a child of God. Kara always gave God the glory. “To be in her (Kara’s) presence was to be in the presence of someone surrendered to God.”
Kara fought her cancer with her eyes on Jesus, believing that “suffering makes my faith more child-like.” In all her trials, treatments and disappointments, Kara stayed close to Jesus. “Don’t move away from Jesus. Move towards Him, be near to Jesus.” Jesus was her rock. In Him she built her life and she knew where she would spend eternity.