Tag Archive | Jennifer Rodewald

When I Lost My Way by Jennifer Rodewald

Here Is Love Vast As The Ocean

When I Lost My Way by Jennifer Rodewald is a powerful contemporary Christian novel about the vastness of God’s love.

The love within the novel is based on the love in 1 Corinthians: 13 – love is patient, kind and never gives up. Jennifer Rodewald has written about a love that perseveres – as the reader hears about a love between two brothers, a love between couples and the love of God.

The theme of the prodigal son runs throughout as we track the older brother from the tale. We see just how hard he works without realising he needs to surrender to God who longs to do life in a partnership with each and every one of us.

“Do not underestimate the power of the God who hears.” God wants us to want Him. He delights when we build our lives with Him. No matter how hard our lives, God can turn them around. “God takes the bad, and He turns it for good.”

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Always You by Jennifer Rodewald

His Plans

Always You by Jennifer Rodewald is  a delightful contemporary novel and part of the Potter’s House series.

Jennifer Rodewald has presented a wonderful, warm and welcoming collection of characters who envelope the reader with love. Her lead characters have a rapport with each other as they bounce their dialogue backwards and forwards. They make the reader smile.

God’s plans are always best for our lives. We do not always realise this. “He [God] means good for you, even when He tells you no.” Sometimes in our prayers we tell God what we want instead of listening to His plans for our lives. Prayer is important. It should be as natural as breathing. “Prayer came easily.” Prayer should be a two-way dialogue not a monologue from us.

Knowing God’s Word is also important. Whatever season we are in, there will always be an appropriate word from God. Sometimes in life there are just no words and then we need to lean on God and press into Him. “When there were no words, there was presence.”

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When I Come Home Again by Jennifer Rodewald


When I Come Home Again by Jennifer Rodewald is a powerful contemporary Christian novel about love, loss and new beginnings.

When loss hits hard, we hurt, we become angry and we withdraw. For a short while, this is an acceptable response but when anger rules our lives, we are in trouble. Something must change. “I don’t want this anger anymore.” We need to own our anger, then leave it at the foot of the cross. If we do not, we will be forever bound by the chains of anger.

Regret often goes hand in hand with anger. Regrets can immobilise and imprison us. “Regrets are bondage… If you don’t deal with them… they own you.” Regret is a burden we were never meant to carry. Jesus died for our freedom, not so we could imprison ourselves with regrets. “Some people live with regret their whole lives, never realising they don’t have to.”

God gives us gifts. He delights in us as we use these gifts. “The joy of the Creator as they exercised the gifts He’s built into them.”

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Finding Evergreen by Jennifer Rodewald

Stop Running And Love Harder

Finding Evergreen by Jennifer Rodewald is a powerful contemporary Christian story. It is the third book in the Grace Revealed series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Wow – what to say? Finding Evergreen is a book about love. Not a perfect love but a raw, gritty, love hurts story. It is about a marriage. A marriage of two imperfect people seeking to fulfilment in each other. “Marriage… was supposed to fill a cavern of emptiness.” That is far too much pressure to put on anyone. It is only God who can truly fulfil us.

People meet. They fall in love. Great married and live happily ever after. Right? Wrong. Real life is not a fairy story. Real life is messy. Real life has outside forces that impact on us. Finding Evergreen is a brilliant read about ‘real life’ love. It pulls no punches. It tugs at heartstrings. It messes with heads. Is ‘real love’ really worth the effort?

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