Tag Archive | Jen Turano

To Steal A Heart by Jen Turano

Of Pooches, Disguises And A Parrot

To Steal A Heart by Jen Turano is an exciting Christian historical novel that will certainly entertain the reader. It is the first book in The Bleaker Street Inquiry Agency series which promises to be fabulous.

The novel has some highly amusing scenes as we follow some very modern and forward thinking women in 1880’s New York. They are far from conventional as they disguise themselves to solve crimes. The reader is delighted by their antics.

A couple of pooches and a parrot with a fetish for shiny things all add to our entertainment.

The basis of the novel is from Genesis 50. What others meant for harm, God used for good. We may feel far from God at times but He is never far from us. He watches over our every movement protecting us from harm.

There is the theme of fathers. In God we have our perfect father. Even if our earthly fathers abandon us, our heavenly Father will never leave us nor forsake us. To Him, we are never an ‘inconvenience’. We are His and we are loved.

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Caught By Surprise by Jen Turano

Murder, Marriage And Mayhap

Caught By Surprise by Jen Turano is another absolutely delightful Christian historical offering. It is the third book in the Apart From The Crowd series but can be read as a stand-alone. I really enjoyed meeting up with familiar faces.

The book has an air of frivolity with much light hearted humor that has the reader smiling throughout. Botched attempts at kidnap are greeted with amusement by both the heroine, who is very much a modern miss, and the reader.

Women play a prominent role in the novel. Their outlook is philanthropic and forward thinking. A school is set up to improve the lot of young women. “You will attend school… because it’ll give you a future.” With education comes more choice and the possibility of breaking out of poverty.

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Out Of The Ordinary by Jen Turano

Extraordinary Escapades

Out Of The Ordinary by Jen Turano is a most delightful and fun Christian historical mystery romance. It is the second book in the Apart From The Crowd series but can be read as a stand-alone.

Out Of The Ordinary is a wonderful light hearted read that will have you laughing out loud at many of the antics. I think my favourite (of which there were many) is very reminiscent of a scene from The Vicar Of Dibley television series where the heroine meant to step in a puddle but disappears into a hole! It is a fun read that will brighten any day.

The characters are an eclectic mix and all wonderfully drawn – from the matriarch with light fingers to the heroine with a big heart and a protective nature.

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Behind The Scenes by Jen Turano

Challenging The Conventions

Behind The Scenes by Jen Turano is a delightfully amusing Christian historical romantic mystery and I really enjoyed it. It is the first book in the Apart From The crowd series and I cannot wait for the subsequent books.

Jen Turano’s books are always entertaining and amusing. Her heroine in Behind The Scenes is a very modern and unconventional lady for her time. She gets in to some amusing scrapes. With her attitude of “I do prefer using a pistol to my fists,” she is indeed an unusual woman in the nineteenth century.

There is a social conscience running throughout. “Simply because one comes from wealth does not mean one should abandon their thrifty principles.” Wealth is not to be squandered but used to do good.

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