Tag Archive | Hope Is Born

A Beautiful Christ-Mess by Brenda Anderson

A New Beginning

A Beautiful Christ-Mess by Brenda Anderson is a delightful Christian contemporary tale and features in Hope Is Born: A Mosaic Christmas Anthology. The story follows on from A Beautiful Mess.

God is at the heart of the story. He is our good, good Father who is waiting for each and every one of us to hear and respond to His voice. “It had taken years, but [he] had at last seen God’s light and run to it.” God is a patient God. Running to Him is the best decision we will ever make.

Prayer is important. It is our lifeline. “God was always ready with a listening ear.” God hears all our prayers. If we have a difficult situation, we need to take it to God first. “Before they talked… he needed to be all prayed up.”

Life competes for our attention. “Somehow being back in the states, God’s voice had lost its clarity.” We need to make sure we make God our priority.

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