Tag Archive | Headline Books

Kill For Me, Kill For You by Steve Cavanagh

The Master Of His Craft

Kill For Me Kill For You by Steve Cavanagh is a complex contemporary crime suspense that I read in just one sitting.

Steve Cavanagh has created a well thought out and executed plotline. He manipulates the reader’s emotions and responses as we fall for his red herrings along the way. This was a roller coaster ride of suspense.

We meet the victims of crimes who want to see justice done – but the criminals always seem to cover their tracks, leaving the police with their hands tied and helpless.

Victim support helps put people in touch with others who understand just what they are going through. Unfortunately, there seems to be those who will manipulate others for their own ends.

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A Mother’s Christmas Wish by Glenda Young

Heart Warming

A Mother’s Christmas Wish by Glenda Young is a wonderful, heart-warming historical novel that will fill your heart with love.

The action takes place in 1923 in a small village in the North East. It is here that the reader witnesses love, care and community in action. Living in a village means your business is never your own but it is a small price to pay for all the love and care. If there are problems, there is always a neighbour to run to.

At the heart of the village is the pub. It has been neglected due to grief but a new girl in town is determined to turn the fortunes around and to inject new life into old.

We witness the camaraderie of the women. There is a network of support and love. When the men folk let them down, the sisterhood picks them up.

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The Memory Box by Kathryn Hughes

A Beautiful Friendship

The Memory Box by Kathryn Hughes is the most beautiful and heart wrenching dual timeline novel that I never wanted to end.

The story is set in present day and during the second world war. The reader follows the fortunes of care worker Candice and one hundred year old Jenny who shares her story. There is a beautiful bond between the two lead characters, as if they were grandmother and granddaughter. They both have so much love to give.

There is the difficult topic of a toxic relationship where a character is manipulated and controlled bit by bit. This is sensitively portrayed as we see the need to get out before being totally consumed.

The war years see the reader travel from Manchester to Wales to Italy as the war takes various turns. We witness the bravery of civilians everywhere and also of the partisans in Italy. We see that not all Germans were Nazis. There were still some willing to take risks to do the right thing.

Regrets have travelled down the years. They are heavy burdens to carry as a character needs to make a pilgrimage to lay the ghosts of the past to rest.

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Missing by Erin Kinsley

A Fabulous Read

Missing by Erin Kinsley is a marvellous contemporary crime novel that consumed me from the start.

As the book opened I immediately had questions – what had happened to a character to make her arrive at that point? As the story unfolded, I had more questions but they were all answered by the end.

A twenty five year old cold case is re-opened as a detective needs to find the answers to a terrible crime. As the action unfolds, the reader becomes more horrified – someone must know the truth of one fateful night. The miracles of modern science provide answers to some of the questions.

Family is important. Family are those who love us. Sometimes families hide deep secrets that are too much to face.

Houses are important. They become homes and hold memories and ties to those who have gone before. A home is not necessarily bricks and mortar. “Home is the people who love you.”

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