Tag Archive | Gloria Grossi

The Girls Best Buddies by Gloria Grossi

Sound Advice

The Girls Best Buddies by Gloria Grossi is a Christian self help book designed to help teenage girls navigate their way through life. There is much sound advice backed up with scripture, stories and personal references.

Gloria Grossi discusses the importance of identity. Our identity is not in our name or job, our identity is found in God. We are who He says we are.

We need to know God’s Word so we can stand on it at all times. Life distracts us. The enemy distracts us. We need to keep focused on God and maintain and build our faith.

With so many choices, we need to have God as our moral compass. If what we see, hear or do does not line up with God’s Word, it is not from God. God’s advice is the same yesterday, today, forever.

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