Tag Archive | Fire Music

Fire Music by Connie Hampton Connally

Light Shining In The Darkness

Fire Music by Connie Hampton Connally is a powerful dual timeline novel surrounding a Hungarian family. The novel concentrates on the years 1945 and 2013 as we alternate between the two time periods.

Most of the action is set in Budapest. The two time periods are united by a sixteen year old in 1945 who becomes a grandfather in 2013.

We meet a young American searching for her roots, after her grandparents passing. She wants to know her story and where she comes from.

1945 was a terrible time for Hungarians. First there were the Nazis and then the Russians moved in. Both were brutal. Women were not safe as they could be attacked and far worse.

We follow a family who had very little but had a tremendous musical talent. Music breaks down barriers, uniting those from all walks of life. Music can be passed down the years to future generations. Music also sends us back down the years to a moment in time. As talents unite, beautiful music is made.

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