A Fabulous Read
Missing by Erin Kinsley is a marvellous contemporary crime novel that consumed me from the start.
As the book opened I immediately had questions – what had happened to a character to make her arrive at that point? As the story unfolded, I had more questions but they were all answered by the end.
A twenty five year old cold case is re-opened as a detective needs to find the answers to a terrible crime. As the action unfolds, the reader becomes more horrified – someone must know the truth of one fateful night. The miracles of modern science provide answers to some of the questions.
Family is important. Family are those who love us. Sometimes families hide deep secrets that are too much to face.
Houses are important. They become homes and hold memories and ties to those who have gone before. A home is not necessarily bricks and mortar. “Home is the people who love you.”
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