Tag Archive | Echoes Of War

When Memory Whispers by Johnnie Alexander

A Steadfast God

When Memory Whispers by Johnnie Alexander is a simply wonderful Christian dual timeline novel. It is the second book in the Echoes Of War series and also part of the Mosaic Collection.

The novel is set during 1944 in London and in 1997 America, as a character looks back over her exploits during World War II. She has been silent for years, now is the time to release the secrets.

We witness the greatest sacrificial love in action. It is a love that goes so deep that for safety’s sake, the most treasured one must be released. Love over-rode a heart that wanted to hang on. Love let go.

We see that in times of war, characters either choose to cling to God or to run from God, as a character decares: “Where are you God? Don’t You care what’s happening to us?” In the devastation of war “she longed to believe God was listening.” In times of uncertainty “what does your strength rely on when the storm is raging?” We need firm foundations of faith or we will be lost. “Every day I choose to build my faith on solid rock.” God is that solid rock, that firm foundation.

In contrast with an unsure faith, we see a firm faith which reminds us of the words of Jesus’ disciple “where shall I go? Only You have the words of eternal life.” A character declares “I can’t blame God… Faith needs to be our light in these dark times.” In uncertain times we can rely on a certain God to give us “a contentment that had to come from God.” A character has firm foundations. “After all that he’d lost, he hadn’t forsaken God.”

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