Tag Archive | Destiny Of Heart

Destiny Of Heart by Catherine Ulrich Brakefield

Surviving The Hard Times

Destiny Of Heart by Catherine Ulrich Brakefield is a marvellous historical Christian tale that takes the reader through 1920’s America and into the Depression, up to the promise of better times under Roosevelt.

It is an epic tale about love, loss and redemption in Jesus. With the Depression, we see the church in action. The church is not a building, it is the people who “had shown the way to Jesus through their actions.”

Life was hard following WWI. The people had a tough spirit to survive. Diseases took lives as faith was questioned “Why, Lord? Why didn’t You heal my husband? She never felt so alone.” In times of loss we may have questions that seem to go unanswered. The enemy will whisper that due to our lack of faith, our loved one died. This is a lie, we need to defeat it by standing on the Word of Jesus and believing what God says.

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