Tag Archive | Deborah Raney

Finding Wings by Deborah Raney


Finding Wings by Deborah Raney is the most delightful contemporary Christian novel that focuses on family and the faithfulness of God. It is the third book in the Chandler Sisters series but can be read as a stand-alone.

The characters were wonderfully drawn. The love and care of the sisters for each other radiated from the pages of the book.

There is a theme of new beginnings – quite literally and also when we let God redeem our lives. A past event has cast a shadow over a life. God does not want us to live in fear. He wants us to live abundantly free. Within the novel God gives a character the opportunity to face their fears and begin to live in a new freedom.

The lure and love of money corrupts lives. When we let money lead us, we are surely heading for a fall.

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Home At Last by Deborah Raney

Precious In His Sight

Home At Last by Deborah Raney is a contemporary Christian romance and the fifth book in the Chicory Inn series but can be read as a stand-alone. It has been a marvellous series and I have really enjoyed it. It has been wonderful to follow the fortunes of the Whitman family siblings throughout.

The novel has a wonderful air of concern and kindness that permeates throughout. The reader can ‘feel’ the love that extends through the families in the book. As a parent I can identify with the feelings of Shay’s father. His need to protect, even though his daughter is in her thirties. One never stops being a parent.

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Close To Home by Deborah Raney

Moving On

ChicoryClose To Home by Deborah Raney is the fourth book in the Chicory Inn series but can be read as a stand-alone. It is a contemporary Christian novel with a wonderful inclusive family feel to it. I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with the Whitman family once more.

There are many themes within the novel including that of moving on. Life never stands still but for widowed Bree she finds herself torn – her love for husband marine Tim keeps her held in limbo versus her desire for marriage and a family. Bree is still young but to move on feels like a betrayal to Tim.

Likewise time is moving on for grandmother CeCe. She is not as young as she was but still fiercely independent. Her family see changes in her and want to help but CeCe fights to maintain her independence.

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Finally Home by Deborah Raney

A Search For Peace

Finally HomeFinally Home by Deborah Raney is a Christian novella set in America 1972 during the Vietnam war.

Brian returns from Nam in a wheelchair. His parents alter their huge house to accommodate his needs, hire a physical therapist and then disappear to Columbia. “If money could buy a miracle, he was home free.” Brian’s parents have everything money can buy. However money cannot buy health or good relationships.

Kathy is Brian’s therapist and she believes in him. She works with him and encourages him. She is balm to his wounded body and soul. But Kathy is hiding a secret.

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