Tag Archive | Dean Koontz

Interview With Dean Koontz

The Bad Weather Friend – Latest Novel by Dean Koontz

See the third interview with Dean Koontz by Michael Wilson of This Is Horror. Here, Dean Koontz talks about his latest book, The Bad Weather Friend which is fabulous. I read and reviewed it in February. It is amusing with the author’s asides (think Eric Morecambe or Miranda Hart) to the reader. It is a modern re-telling of Job.

Please have a watch

Dean Koontz Interview: The Bad Weather Friend and Craggles (This Is Horror Podcast 555) (youtube.com)

This Is Horror https://www.thisishorror.co.uk/


The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz

Choose Wisely

The Bad Weather Friend by Dean Koontz is an exciting contemporary suspense that I read in just two sittings – pausing only to sleep! This is the author’s latest offering but was the first novel that I had read by him – and what a treat it turned out to be.

The lead character’s story reminded me of the story of Job in the Bible. He is a very credible lead character and incredibly nice, not a mean bone in his body. He is also loyal to his friends.

We see how our upbringing molds us. The lead character, Benny, has been shaped by adversity. His early years saw him meet many questionable adults but he retains his integrity and ‘niceness’ (for want of a better word).

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Interview With Dean Koontz 2

Fascinating & Very Interesting

Another fascinating interview by Michael Wilson with Dean Koontz, following the publication of his latest book After Death.

Michael Wilson asks more in depth questions, and Dean Koontz, who is a man of faith, and is extremely interesting to listen to.

Tune in to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XF8CeI8NUA and have a watch.

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A Big Little Life by Dean Koontz

Angel Dog

A Big Little Life by Dean Koontz is the most beautiful heart-warming book about Dean and Gerda Koontz and their dog Trixie.

Trixie was an amazing golden retriever who was so much more than a dog. She was an angel in disguise, as more than one person noted.

Trixie was a remarkable dog who seemed to know and understand just what her humans were saying. She had an uncanny insight into the nature of people, knowing just who could be trusted and who couldn’t. She also seemed to be able to sense danger.

As I read through A Big Little Life, Trixie came ‘alive’ to me. Her personality bounded from the pages and into my heart. I ‘lived’ this book.

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