Tag Archive | Cut Short

Cut Short by B D Spargo

Absolutely Thrilling

Cut Short by B D Spargo is an absolutely thrilling contemporary crime suspense that I just could not put down. It is the first book in the DCI Liam Doyle Thriller series and I cannot wait for the subsequent books.

The action is set in present day, with flashbacks to 1996 and 1999. As the story opens, we hear the cruel voice of the perpetrator. The reader does not know who or why. As the novel progresses, bit by bit a character is revealed, and the who and why are answered.

As we follow a character, we fear for those who cross their paths.

Tension rises, heightened by the isolated, unforgiving landscape. The reader’s heartrate rises and sweaty palms ensue!

All the characters were well drawn and believable. I followed all the action, instantly liking some of the characters but not others. My responses were guided by the author’s marvellous pen.

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