Tag Archive | Christopher Goodchild

The Winds Of Homecoming by Christopher Goodchild

All Shall Be Well

The Winds Of Homecoming by Christopher Goodchild is a powerful book of fifty devotions based on the poems of Rainer Maria Rilke.

Christopher Goodchild has autism, undiagnosed until 2007, all his life he has been walking through loss and loneliness. He writes his devotions in the second person of ‘you’ as if he is talking to himself. This draws the reader in as we ‘feel’ as if the author is talking personally to us.

Each devotion has great power to speak to the heart and soul. We are all just pilgrims walking through life and “we’re all just walking each other home.”

We all go through hardships. “All your struggles in life can with God’s grace be transformed into something quite extraordinary life affirming and meaningful.” God is “found in the broken places.”  He will take the broken pieces of our lives and make something beautiful.

Scriptures are our anchor in life. We need to know them so that when the storms hit, and they will, we can press into God’s Word.

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