Tag Archive | Christmas Embers

Christmas Embers by Chautona Havig

A Choice

Christmas Embers by Chautona Havig is a contemporary Christian novel that will really tear your heart and emotions to pieces. Chautona Havig writes sensitively about the hard hitting topic of adultery. She pulls no punches – adultery affects everyone – the couple, their children, friends, neighbourhood and church. The fall out is like a nuclear bomb – it’s ripples spread out, leaving no one untouched.

For some, this novel will be painful because it is your story. For some, this novel is a warning against complacency. For all readers, this novel will play with your emotions – you will need tissues as your heart breaks for all concerned.

The novel reveals there are different types of adulterers – the one off and the serial adulterer – but the pain on the family is still severe.

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