Tag Archive | Chloe Seager

Open Minded by Chloe Seager

When The Mouse Roars

Open Minded by Chloe Seager is a contemporary book exploring relationships. It was an absorbing read that I read mostly in one sitting – pausing only to sleep!

We see that there are many types of relationships – parents, siblings, partners, friends. One size does not fit all. We follow the two main characters and their interactions with others, their work and each other. They meet in unusual circumstances but a friendship develops.

At work, we see the bully in the workplace. Others tiptoe around the bully until one awards evening when – the mouse roars! And the reader applauds.

It is important to be true to oneself. Too often we try to fit into the mold that others, or the world, have created for us. Sooner or later, it will all come crashing down. To your own self be true.

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