Tag Archive | Chautona Havig

Hearthland Vol 1 by Chautona Havig

Warm, Witty And Wonderful

Hearthland part 1-6 by Chautona Havig is a delightful Christian contemporary story with a wonderful, warm community feel to it.

Life is for living. “You need to go where your soul can be still and know God.” Too many of us are in the rat race. We need to make time for life and for God. “I need to remember the sounds of a baby’s giggle.” We need to slow down and live the life around us and not keep chasing the next thing.

We are never too old for second chances, dreams and new beginnings. If we are still breathing, then God’s not finished with us yet.

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Will Not See by Chautona Havig

Memory Wipe

Will Not See by Chautona Havig is a marvellous contemporary Christian mystery. It is the second book in the Sight Unseen series but can be read as a stand-alone. Any knowledge that is needed from book one None So Blind is provided. However for maximum enjoyment, I would recommend reading book one first.

Will Not See is interwoven with the characters from book one, as certain events mirror what happened there. Characters interact with old familiar faces which is a joy for the reader. Once more there is the theme of identity and discovering who we are. “I’m tired of not knowing me.” Even more important, is knowing whose we are. “I’m pretty sure I believe in God. He’s gotta exist. I know it.”

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Manuscript For Murder by Chautona Havig


Manuscript For Murder by Chautona Havig is a Christian murder mystery which I really enjoyed. It had me guessing from the start – who was committing the parallel crimes? Once again I suspected many characters but failed to guess correctly.

The lead character is wonderfully eccentric in her dress but with a heart of gold. I immediately warmed to her as she spread goodness wherever she went. She wasn’t holier than thou, she had a past but in Christ she was a new creation. I loved her kindness and her quirkiness. She reminded me of Angela Lansbury in Murder She Wrote.

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None So Blind by Chautona Havig

Second Chances

None So Blind by Chautona Havig is a delightful Christian novel. It is the first in the sight Unseen series and I cannot wait for the rest. None So Blind is a cleverly constructed novel about an awakening and second chances.

The novel has God at the centre. Characters pray and turn to Him. The local pastor helps to instruct in a godly way and provide answers to questions.

There is the theme of trust – both human and divine. “Remember you can choose to trust in His faithfulness.” Trust is a choice. We can give inĀ  to fears or we can trust God. We need to trust others too as we were never meant to live in isolation.

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