Tag Archive | Cathe Swanson

Hope For The Holidays by Cathe Swanson

For The Glory Of God

Hope For The Holidays by Cathe Swanson is a charming contemporary Christian romance. It is a Great Lakes novella but can be read as a stand-alone.

The main theme is taking care of widows and orphans. We were never meant to do life in isolation. We were made for community living. Some need more help than others. We all need to pull together using our different talents.

In times of war, people see horrendous things that they cannot ‘unsee.’ Their experiences remain down the years. PTSD is recognised now but not during World War II. A common bond can unite young and old veterans who understand about living with the horrors of war.

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Baggage Claim by Cathe Swanson

Keep Me Sweet

Baggage Claim by Cathe Swanson is a cracking contemporary Christian thriller that I devoured, with heart racing as the action hotted up.

There are many themes including that of roots – everyone needs to know where they came from and no-one is ever an ‘accident’ – God planned out all of our lives before we were born. God’s plans are so much greater than our own and we can trust Him with our lives.

There are the difficult topics of violence and women’s shelters, alcoholism, drugs and teenage pregnancies – all areas of life that help to make the novel realistic to read. God can be found even in the midst of suffering. “She was glorifying God in that place, under those circumstances, and her church supported her.” church is important. Church can be our family too.

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Christmas Lights by Various.


lightsChristmas Lights is a collection of four contemporary festive tales. Each one unique and totally fabulous reads.

The Heart Of Joy by Vikki Kestral is a delightful tale that explores love and loss. Joy fears loving again as everything she loves, she loses. God does not wish us to live a life of fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. God wants us to trust Him and live again.

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