Tag Archive | Caroline Montague

The Pieces Of Us by Caroline Montague


The Pieces Of Us by Caroline Montague is a very powerful dual timeline novel that I just could not put down.

It is set in present day and a hundred years earlier, mainly in the Potteries at Stoke. Although the novel opens in present day Italy.

Both time periods have similar themes. In present day and previously, there is loss. A century ago, Britain was recovering from World War I where many young men were used as cannon fodder. No community was left unscathed. Some, never recovered from their loss. They needed someone to blame. They even blamed God, believing that He was deaf to their pleas. “I used to pray a lot, but when everyone I loved was taken away, I realized God wasn’t listening to the likes of me.” God listens to all His children, whether we think He does or not.

There was also much poverty and poor living and working conditions. There were those who saw and either stood up for change, or those philanthropic hearts who worked quietly behind the scenes providing better facilities.

The reader follows the fortunes of women a hundred years ago. Despite stepping into the men’s shoes during World War I, women were subjected to terrible conditions and poorer pay than men. Trade Unions needed to step up to change this. Women rallied together to fight for better conditions and pay. A certain amount of militancy was required.

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