Tag Archive | AnneMarie Brear

The Waterfront Lass by AnneMarie Brear

Kind Hearts & Good Manners

The Waterfront Lass by AnneMarie Brear is a fabulous historical novel which I really enjoyed.

The action is set in Wakefield in 1870. The reader drops into both the homes of the working classes and the drawing rooms of the upper class. We see that for some, there is no distinction but for others, clear class lines are drawn.

What makes someone a lady or a gentleman? It is not wealth or status but manners that makes a person. We witness the dreadful snobbery of some, in contrast to the kind hearts of others.

Philanthropy is practiced as purse strings are opened to those in need. We see the generous hearts of those who have little sharing with those who have nothing. Budgeting is important, whether you have much or little.

Friendships are beautiful to see. There are some very heart-warming alliances within the book. I loved dropping in on the conversations with the gardener and also the new ladies maid.

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The Soldier’s Daughter by AnneMarie Brear

A Kind Heart

The Soldier’s Daughter by AnneMarie Brear is a marvellous historical novel.

The action takes place in 1860 in Bingley near Bradford. It is a time of change as the cotton mills that have profited from the slave trade really need a new way of thinking and operating.

The leading lady and her father have returned from India and bought a large house and grounds. India holds many memories for them and is the place where the mother and grandmother died. We witness the freedom for women in India contrasted to the constraints in Britain.

Evie is a free spirit. She does not let the constraints of Britain squash her upbringing in India. She has a kind heart, often preferring to endanger herself in order to help others. This does not always make her popular.

There is much grief in the novel as modern medicine has not yet been discovered, meaning that lives may well be cut short.

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