Tag Archive | Alana Terry

Policed by Alana Terry

Big Issues

Policed by Alana Terry is the third book in the Kennedy Stern series but can be read as a stand-alone. Alana Terry writes contemporary Christian stories about issues that are relevant today. Policed covers two big issues – racism and HIV. Alana Terry uncovers the myths and the realities.

It is a sorry state of affairs that racism still exists in the twenty first century. That people are seen by the colour of their skin rather than the state of their heart. Fortunately there are more people willing to stand against racism, so that Martin Luther King’s peaceful protests were not in vain.

The novel reminded me at times of Edmund Burkes statement “the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Thank goodness for people who will fight against injustice.

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Paralyzed by Alana Terry

An Adrenalin Rush

Paralyzed by Alana Terry is a contemporary Christian suspense that I got so enthralled with that I could not put it down! It continues where Unplanned left off.

Alana Terry explores what it means to be a Christian. Being a Christian does not guarantee a trouble free life but God does promise to never leave us. “She had gotten really consistent with her prayer and Bible study, which made her wonder why God hadn’t taken her problems away.” It is in the difficult times that we grow.

There are times when we feel isolated. “God why have you left me here to deal with this myself?” Just because we cannot see or feel God, does not mean He is not there, working on our behalf.

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Unplanned by Alana Terry


Unplanned by Alana Terry is a fast paced contemporary Christian suspense which I really enjoyed. At its heart the focus is pro life and recognising that God has His hand on us, even when we are still in the womb.

God, too was at the centre. For some, trusting God is easy. For others, life can intrude. “What was the point in worshipping a God who wouldn’t lift His finger to rescue these precious souls?” God sees us all. He sees us before we are born. His rescue plan may not be ours but no one slips away unnoticed.

The peace of God can descend on those who trust, even in the midst of chaos. God’s peace does not announce itself loudly, but quietly and gently envelopes us, securing us in His arms.

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