A Hope And A Prayer by Julie Lessman is a powerful Christian historical novel with lessons for us all.
The action is set towards the end of World War II in Europe and then moves to post war America as we follow lives adjusting to peacetime.
Julie Lessman doesn’t write cosy Christian novels. She writes gritty realistic stories showing struggles and temptations that will resonate with modern audiences.
We witness a character battling alcohol and women addictions. His upbringing has led him to this point. He has tried everything but God. “Get on your knees and pray for Him [God] to get a hold of you now.” When we are down to nothing, God is up to something. Some of His best work is done with broken vessels, if we would just realise our need for Him.
There is a beautiful, kind soul who shines the light of God’s love wherever she goes. She is compassionate, praying where she sees needs. She realises “aside from our love, our prayers are the most important gift we can give.”
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