
Nicholas The Santa Story by Tom Catalano

A Beautiful Heirloom

Nicholas The Santa Story by Tom Catalano is a most delightful book whatever your age.

The book combines Santa with the story of Jesus in a most charming way. It is beautifully done and the perfect way to introduce our children to the true meaning of Christmas.

The story is written in rhyme giving a beautiful flow and enabling our children to join in as they become familiar with the words.

Santa, a magical element of Christmas, combines with Jesus who is the true meaning of Christmas. All is beautifully and thoughtfully done.

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You Left Too Soon by Julia Wilson

Remembering My Nanny On The Anniversary Of Her Passing

Another year rolls by,

I still miss you.

You left too soon.

My earliest memories contain you.

Your smiling face

Your gentle voice

Your loving heart.

You taught me to love…

Books, knitting, Jesus and you.

Memories of happy days picking raspberries and making jam.

Going to church bazaars and whist drive,

Sucking polos and making dolls from rags,

Listening to Tales Of Binkle And Flip Bunny.

My childhood is full of you

And your love

But you left too soon.

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