
Letters From Lebanon by Wendy Davies

The Lord Will Provide

Letters From Lebanon by Wendy Davies is a comprehensive account of the author’s time in Lebanon during the 1970’s.

We see the faithfulness of God to provide and learn that His timing is always perfect. He is always with us, giving us a peace that passes all understanding despite our circumstances.

The author answered God’s call to go to Lebanon and to be a part of a new school for small children in 1973. In preparation Wendy Davies had “prayed, planned and prepared… [as we] ventured forward in faith.” When God is with our plans, we know they will not fail.

Many children did not speak English, nor were they Christians. There were translators and much love for all the children. “We were seeking to inculcate an excitement in learning… to create a joyful atmosphere… and… a sense of belonging.” The teachers were forward thinking in their attitude to learning as it was tailored to the children’s individual needs.

God’s love was shown to the children and they learnt about Him through stories and song. The children would in turn, tell their parents and grandparents about the love of Jesus.

Lebanon was a volatile area which erupted into civil war. There were times when the author had to return to England for her own safety but she always returned to Lebanon when God paved the way. She felt the pull of Lebanon and the people in her heart whenever she was away.

Whenever there was doubt about what to do, Wendy Davies sought God in prayer. “I had God’s inner peace and assurance about the whole matter.” God doesn’t always calm the storm around us but He gets in our boat and gives us peace.

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Treasures Of The Wise: 30 Devotions For Storing Up Heavenly Riches by Tracy L Smoak

In God We Trust

Treasures Of The Wise by Tracy L Smoak is a powerful book of thirty devotionals which will aid our walk with God.

Each devotional has an accompanying coin which is from the author’s collection and means something to her. The coin reminds us that we are God’s treasure, far more important than wealth. We are God’s riches.

There is a beautiful half page photo opposite the main devotional. It is something that means something to the author who adds her thoughts. My favourites were: the teacups belonging to the author’s great grandmother (chapter 8); letters and a Bible (chapter 29); and a gorgeous puppy (chapter 4 and the end of the book).

As Tracy L Smoak introduces each devotional, she gives her personal thoughts, a relevant scripture and a prayer.

As the book progresses, hopefully you will draw closer to the heart of God and discover His will for your life.

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God Calling In Poetry by Frank Raj


God Calling In Poetry by Frank Raj is a beautiful book with 365 devotions and poetry, all dated from 1st January enabling you to start the book whenever you pick it up.

Each day begins with a portion of scripture, followed by a poem that is linked to the scripture.

The poems all vary in length. Some are just a few lines, others a couple of pages.

This book will definitely help with your daily walk with God. The scripture and poems draw us closer to the heart of God.

This is a beautiful book for quiet times. Read God’s word and poem, and let the words sink into your soul.

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Encountering Christlikeness by Brad Simon

Becoming More Like Jesus

Encountering Christlikeness by Brad Simon is a powerful Christian devotional that will encourage us as we walk with Jesus.

There are fourteen devotionals each based on a Bible reference. The author expands the story, using scripture to back up his words. Each devotional ends with a prayer and three identical questions designed to help us digest and apply what we have just read.

All the devotionals are New Testament based. They cover a variety of topics. We need to be obedient servants, using the gifts that God has given us, to help others and for His glory.

We need to have a heart that gives and is motivated by love, as we give of our time, talents and money. “He [God] can use even the smallest offering to do amazing things.”

Having a forgiving heart is vital. Forgiveness may not be a one-off event. It may well be a process. We forgive because we have been forgiven. Forgiveness brings healing and restoration.

My favourite devotional was about Martha, Mary and Lazarus. We learn that we need to balance work, worship and witness as embodied by these three characters.

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