Christian Bookaholic is a site mainly for reviews of books however if I see a great film, or listen to a fabulous CD, I will share that too. I may also share my thoughts here too.
The books reviewed will predominantly be Christian novels but I also read mass market paperbacks and the occasional non-fiction book. As a cat lover, I do sometimes dip into novels about cats.
I undertake blog tours for authors and publishing houses in both the UK and America.
I do receive, from time to time, books from authors, publishing houses to read and review. Otherwise I have bought the books. All the opinions expressed will be my own; I will never intentionally give spoilers to the books.
I know that there are loads of great books out there and I think we all owe it to the authors to recommend books we love. Also, if I love a book, I want to share and pass it on.
I hope you enjoy this site. I am indebted to my son Michael Wilson for setting it up for me. I love reading, but am not good with technology. A really big thank you to Michael.
Finally I would like to share Michael’s websites… he runs This Is Horror and Paleo Minds… so if you like either of those topics, please drop by and have a look.