A Golden Thread
The Wartime Book Club by Kate Thompson is a powerful historical novel that totally consumed me and I read in just one sitting.
The novel is based on a true story of friendship, courage and resistance in times of war. It is set in Nazi occupied Jersey during World War II.
Books were important to the islanders. They provided an escape for minds though their bodies were in captivity. Librarian Grace cared for the books, hiding the banned books away. She brought books to the islanders and set up the wartime book club. “The library… represented safety and security, a sense of order that the world outside could… never offer.”
The book club united those from all different walks of life. The people bandied together receiving a collective hope that the books provided.
There was much bravery. “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear.” Brave souls did what they could to save others as there were also those who would denounce their neighbours for a few reichsmarks. “War… was the greatest killer of trust.”
Love blossoms in times of war. We witness a love that binds. Also, a love between friends that gives each a hope, a hope needed to survive. “Hope was a powerful thing… and… she had to coat herself in, like armour.” Without hope the people perish.
We witness sacrificial love as a character acts without any thought to their personal safety.
All the characters were well drawn, likable and realistic. They were truly inspirational as we saw patches of light during dark times. “Doing something, no matter how small, is better than doing nothing at all.”
I thoroughly enjoyed The Wartime Book Club. It was such a powerful read.
I will leave you with my favourite quote:
“Love was the only thing to disinfect hate.”