Fawkes by Nadine Brandes

Seeking His Voice

Fawkes by Nadine Brandes is a Christian Young Adult historical fantasy that has its’ roots in fact as we follow those plotting for King James I downfall.

Society is divided into two. There is hatred, prejudice and fear everywhere. It is not enough to just be for or against anything. Personal principles and beliefs should be put aside and the truth should be sought.

Life is a spiritual battle. We need to make sure we are listening to the voice that speaks truth and life, and not be deceived by the lies of the enemy.

There are those who claim to speak the truth but they are deceivers. We need to tune into the voice of God.

We see that racial prejudice was all around. A character has to hide her true self behind gloves and a mask. Only when she recognizes a pure heart will she unmask herself.

We follow a character who has been duped into believing a lie. As the scales fall from his eyes, he must right the wrongs.

Fawkes was reminiscent of Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet as society was divided and love between the divisions was frowned upon.

Fawkes was an exciting, engaging and unique read that I thoroughly enjoyed.


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