Shadows Of The White City by Jocelyn Green

What Love Is

Shadows Of The White City by Jocelyn Green is a powerful historical Christian novel that I loved. It is the second book in The Windy City Saga but can be read as a stand-alone. For maximum enjoyment and to track character progression, I recommend reading the previous book first.

I enjoyed meeting up with familiar faces. As with book one, the tale is grounded in fact as the Chicago Fair of 1893 takes centre stage and there are actual historical figures within the novel.

This is a book about love, family and a search to belong. Everyone wants to know their roots. We follow a character desperate to know her ancestors. What she doesn’t realise is that her worth is already in God alone. God calls her beloved and His daughter.

God places the lost in families. “She might not be able to change the system, but she could change the life of this one, precious girl.” There were many orphans living in poverty when lead character, Sylvie, opened her heart to Rose.

We learn that “families are born, but they can also be chosen.” Families are those who love us. God says we are part of His family. “God says I am His child, I am good enough for Him… because of what Christ has done on my behalf.” Too often we strive to be better but God asks us to come as we are and then we will change.

Sometimes we try to earn our way to God. “You can stop striving to earn a place you’ve already been given.” We can come to God because of grace. It’s not about what we can do. It’s about what Jesus has done.

We learn that love cannot be forced. We need to give our children wings to fly. We have to love them enough to let them go.

There is the importance of choice. “We all own our choices.” Our choices always have consequences.

We cannot save anyone. Only Jesus saves. “You can’t save him, but God can. We see the importance of faith. “The opposite of fear is not courage. The opposite of fear is faith. You can’t take care of her, but we still believe that God can.” When we cannot see our loved ones, we trust that God sees them an is directing their steps.

I thoroughly enjoyed Shadows Of The White City as we saw love in action. Love is not passive. Love is active. Love steps back when our children need to fly. Love never gives up and always perseveres.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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