A Noble Scheme by Roseanna White

The Steadfast Love Of God

A Noble Scheme by Roseanna M White is a thrilling Christian Edwardian novel that consumed me from the start. It is the second book in The Imposters series and whilst it can be read as a stand-alone, I recommend reading the books in order for character progression and development.

Questions that arose in book one, find answers here. We now know why two characters are estranged. The animosity continues in A Noble Scheme as we see a character acknowledging that her mood is hurting herself. “I don’t want to miss the future because I’ve been crippled by the past.” Living in the past is unhealthy. By all means, visit the past but do not linger there.

Grief is handled differently by different characters. No two grief journeys are ever the same. We meet a character who has never grieved properly. To grieve is to admit to the loss, and that is far too painful. She swapped her tears for anger. “Hate was a horrible thing. It … consumed her.” Hate will destroy us from the inside out. Hate and anger projected onto God, will block our view of His love. “God wasn’t withholding love or forgiveness. But her heart was too cold to receive it.” The weather also mirrors a heart as it is icy and snowy.

Another character is also angry with God. The character does not own his choices, preferring to believe that God is a vengeful God. “Luck … didn’t believe in that any more than he did in God’s mercy.” Hearts that have known God will always want to be back with Him. “He wanted His Lord back … he wanted to trust that God was good back.” In his heart “he wanted to be the man who could believe.” All heaven rejoices when a prodigal returns home. “He’s waiting … God hasn’t given up on you.”

Our choices always have consequences. “You made your choices … and you can’t undo them… I know you regret it. But that doesn’t fix it.” We need to own our choices and not carry burdens but give them to God. “I will carry that burden, that guilt, that loss … I need you to forgive me.”

Forgiveness is important. It is also a process and not necessarily a one-off event. When we cannot forgive in our strength, we must ask God for help. We must give forgiveness and we must receive it. It is as natural as breathing.”

Prayer is important. “You’re not doing nothing, you’re praying for him.” Prayer should be our default setting. Prayer connects us to the ear and the heart of God.

All the characters were well drawn, likable and realistic. Each book follows a different set of main characters, enabling the reader to get to know them. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

A Noble Scheme is an exciting read that also reveals the heart of God.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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