The Secrets Beneath by Kimberley Woodhouse

Lord Over All

The Secrets Beneath by Kimberley Woodhouse is a marvellous Christiaan historical novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. It is the first book in the Treasures Of The Earth series which is going to be fabulous.

The novel is set in 1878 in Wyoming. It concerns the topic of paleontology, and especially women trying to break into this field. It was a very male dominated area and one into which females were very much disregarded. We join a father-daughter team who are both equally knowledgeable.

At the time that the book is set, there was a separation of science and religion in some minds. The lead characters realized that these two areas were not mutually exclusive but actually go hand in hand.

Life is a spiritual battle. We can have demons warring within us as well as around us. “Shut it out [the darkness]… grab onto the light.” The light will always defeat the darkness and we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. We see that at His Name the demons will flee.

A character is tender-hearted, determined to see the goodness in everyone. Her light draws out the darkness. Her kindness is infectious.

Misunderstandings previously have kept characters apart. Pride needs to be swallowed and forgiveness needs to be given and received.

Jesus died for each and everyone of us. No one is ever too far out of reach of the heart of God. While there is breath in our body, it is never too late to receive the love of Jesus.

We cannot change our past. “He couldn’t change the past. All the what-ifs and should-haves… were the choices he would have to live with.” As we make better choices, we can change our future.

Prayer is a conversation with God. “When she’d no other words, her Savor understood her tears.” God ‘hears’ the longing of our hearts. When we need direction, we can ask God. We must be sure to listen for the answers. “Keep his mouth shut and pray God would show him the way.”

When we know God, we can trust Him with the driving seat of our lives. “He handed the reins over to God but then kept trying to yank them back.” God knows the way. We do not have to keep taking the wheel.

If God has called us to it, we will achieve it. “God called me into this. God paved the way.” God equips those that He calls. If it is God’s will, no one can stop it.

All the characters were well drawn and likable. They elicited various emotional responses from me.

We see the beauty in creation as we marvel at the dinosaur bones and also bask in the beauty of the flowers.

Kimberley Woodhouse has constructed a superb tale. I look forward to hearing more in this series.


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