The Further Adventures Of Isabella M Smugge

As Delightful & Perceptive As Always

The Further Adventures Of Isabella M Smugge by Ruth Leigh is the most wonderful contemporary Christian offering. It is the fourth book in the Isabella M Smugge series. It can be read as a stand-alone but I recommend reading the previous books in order, for maximum enjoyment and for character development.

I am a massive Isabella Smugge fan and get so excited when a new book comes out. I alternate between wanting to read and see what happens and wanting to savor the book. I chose to savor book four. It was a totally wonderful, absorbing read.

Isabella Smugge is a huge hearted character who tries to see the best in people and to help where she can. She is a ‘new’ Christian who is trying to find her way. “Religious people who are doing it properly read their Bibles every day and engage in something called devotionals too.” She is trying to be the best version of herself. “As I try to be a better parent, friend and daughter, and continue to dip into church life, I’m changing.”

Isabella Smugge is also hilarious. Her observations are priceless and spot on. “Trying to juggle work and children is no joke. I don’t know how people without staff … do it.” And her observations on home groups – “Homegroups were set up for those who think that going to church on Sunday just isn’t enough!”

The world of Isabella Smugge has been very Instagram based. She has presented a perfect picture to the world but now she is learning to be real. There is a highly amusing scene with a potty training toddler and a puking cat, just as she is about to host home group. It doesn’t get more real than that!

As a new Christian, Isabella Smugge is learning about prayer. She is naturally worried about praying out loud in her home group. After her first attempt, she notes: “I must have been doing something right as everyone was doing the murmuring and ‘Yes, Lord’ thing”

Her prayer time with God is at first very formal. “Dear God. This is Issy Smugge… With very best wishes.” As time goes on, she notes: “I have found myself speaking to the Almighty on a relatively regular basis … and He has been most helpful answering may of my requests.” As with us all, Issy Smugge is learning to give her requests to God rather than to depend on herself. She does have lapses though. “I’m giving Him [God] till close of play next Tuesday and then I will be taking matters into my own hands.”

Remarkably perceptive, Issy Smugge comments on church: “The church family. A mixture of people all with their own stories, secrets and hidden sadnesses.” Earlier, she had seen church as a place to collect heavenly brownie points! “I went to church twice and got lots of extra holy points by donating… to our food bank.”

The turning point for Issy Smugge is an encounter with God. “I want you to spend time with Me.” Not totally understanding what just happened, Issy Smugge turns to someone older and wiser in the Christian faith, her friend who is the vicar’s wife.

Once more we see Issy Smugge juggling life, children, her mother, the school gates and more. It is easy to empathise with her and her observations on life. As Issy Smugge moves from concentrating on the outward appearance to the inner appearance, the reader applauds.

The end of the book leaves this reader wanting more, more, more!

I just love Isabella Smugge. She is delightful, charming, generous and so much fun. I savor every single book in the series and am always upset when the book ends. There is a hole left in my life.

We all need an Isabella M Smugge in our lives.

I have used many quotes and could use many more, but will leave you with a very powerful quote:

“Shape your worries into prayers.”

I received a free copy from the author. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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