A Time To Bloom by Lauraine Snelling with Kiersti Giron

Trusting In His Timing

A Time To Bloom by Lauraine Snelling with Kiersti Giron is a most delightful Christian historical novel that I adored. It is the second book in Leah’s Garden series but can be read as a stand-alone. I recommend reading book one first as book two starts where the former book ended in 1866.

As the novel opens, the four sisters are settled in the ever-growing frontier town. A wonderful community pulls together but the town is not without its’ problem element. An alcohol tent attracts those looking drown their sorrows as well as those who just like drinking. We see the dangers of alcohol as it changes characters, blighting the lives of others.

Prairie life is hard. Crops face the elements of nature and natural pests. Farmers and their families have to be built of firm stuff, able to pick themselves up and start again.

The church is important and the building is already built. It shares its space with the village school but the teacher desires her own building. She is persistent with her wishes.

We see that the church is so much more than bricks and mortar. The church is the people. It is people who serve each other and God.

The American Civil War is over but the effects are still being felt. Bodies and minds were maimed. It was fought over the issue of slavery but there are still those who are prejudiced, and injustice rears its ugly head. We see the kindness of many who see the size of hearts and not the colour of skin. They stand up to the bullies as everyone is welcomed in their homes.

Trust is a major theme. “Lord, farming sure is full of reasons to trust You.” When crops fail, we trust that God will provide.

We can trust God with our lives. “Who knew what the future held. God does, and leave it there, Ma would say.” Look to God at all times, especially when life is uncertain. His timing and His plans are perfect.

Prayer is important. “Lord… She was too weary to think of more words, thankful God didn’t need them.” When we have no words, God ‘hears’ the longing of our hearts.

A Time To Bloom was so delightful and I loved it. On to book three now.


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