The Right Place by Sophia Money-Coutts

Returning To Life

The Right Place by Sophia Money-Coutts is a most delightful contemporary novel that I read in just two sittings, pausing only to sleep!

The action is mainly set in present day, with a few flash backs over a character’s life.

Having been left a French hotel by her late aunt, thirty something Maggie flies to the south of France in order to wrap up things and sell the place. Though a shadow of its former glory, there is a charm still lurking within the walls. Memories loom large for Maggie.

Memories loom large for others too, as former guests return to celebrate special anniversaries and events. The hotel is so much more than bricks and mortar. It is a place that is alive with past memories.

Maggie awakens the hotel, whilst simultaneously awakening her life. For too long, life has been a series of doctors, IVF and miscarriages. Maggie awakens her passion for cooking as she creates recipes that awaken the taste buds.

The Right Place is a totally charming novel about learning to live again, and a series of awakenings of both characters and the hotel, where the memories are embedded in the walls.

The tone is light-hearted and fun, despite some serious themes.

The Right Place is the perfect read for a bright summer’s day or for a cosy autumnal evening. The take-away from the book is: life is short and life is for living.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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