Archive | August 2024

The Summer Swap by Sarah Morgan

A Pure Delight

The Summer Swap by Sarah Morgan is a delightful contemporary novel and just perfect for a summer read. It is a fun, light-hearted read that is juxta-posed with some serious themes.

The are two major themes – one of those is grief. Grief looks different for different people. No two grief journeys are the same. Each person must work through their own journey at their own pace. “You can’t rush a grieving person… and fix it. The best you can do is be there for them.” We walk our grief path alone and appreciate our loved ones supporting us by simply being there.

The path of grief is not linear. There are bumps in the road and hills and valleys. “Grief is a slippery beast… just when you think you’re doing okay, it trips you up.” One day life will feel better.

We see a life lived in the shadow of a husband. Following his death, a widow must “discover who she was without Cameron.” Now is the time to go on a journey of re-discovery but “she didn’t have to pretend she was fine.” It is a learning curve, learning to live again.

In the other lead character, we see the second major theme – that of making your own life choices and not choosing a path to simply please your parents. “You can’t live your life for your parents… You have to make your own choices.” Parental pressure has been huge. “You can’t live your life trying to please your parents.” The parent’s idea of success is linked to financial reward. For their daughter, success is pursuing a passion and realizing a dream. “What they felt was right and what she felt was right were two different things.”

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Virginia Lane Is Not A Hero by Rosalind Stopps

The Love Shines Through

Virginia Lane Is Not A Hero by Rosalind Stopps is a beautiful contemporary novel about love and caring, life and loss as we see that friendship comes in many different forms.

This is a novel that tackles some difficult and upsetting themes but in a way that shows that love is the light that still shines in the darkness. It is a book that will have you reaching for the tissues as your heart breaks for the innocent.

The novel deals with loss as lead character Virginia is learning to live again after her lifelong partner has died. “I couldn’t believe that he’d gone, or that the world would be able to carry on as normal.” The love shines through. Life has lost its’ meaning. It is to be endured rather than enjoyed until that day when life once more, has a purpose.

Anyone who hurts the innocent breaks the reader’s heart whilst awakening the lead characters to do what they can in order to protect the vulnerable. We see the effects of cruelty on the innocent – one with two legs and one with four. Both have known cruelty but a group of previous strangers are determined to show love whatever the cost. The vulnerable open up and learn to trust again. “This dog… has not been treated right. But he still knows how to love.”

It is an eclectic group who pull together to protect the innocent. “No one can pull it on their own but when they all get together they can.” Strength comes from being in numbers not in isolation.

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One Midnight With You by Shari Low

Lasts Long After Midnight

One Midnight With You by Shari Low is a heartfelt contemporary novel that I really enjoyed.

The action is set over twenty four hours on the 31st December as we follow a cast of characters all coping with varying emotions. The book is broken down into two hour chunks as we alternate between varying points of view.

Many characters are dealing with loss. Loss comes in many forms – loss of a job, loss of a loved one, loss of relationship. Everyone deals with loss differently. Some cope by looking backwards but then we will miss out on today. Sometimes we need to let go of the past and embrace a new tomorrow.

We see the characters struggling with the death of lifelong partners. Grief looks different for everyone. We must grieve in the way that is best for us. “Gut wrenching sorrow… She was dealing with it the way only [she] would – she still chatted to [him] as if he was in the room.” There is no right or wrong way to grieve.

A character has stopped living after her relationship ended. With the help of friends, she has an epiphany on New Years Eve. “I don’t just want to be alive, I want to feel alive.” Life is for living, not for just existing.

We see the importance of prioritizing. “Prioritise the right things.” People, not possessions are what matter most.

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A Season Of Harvest by Lauraine Snelling with Kiersti Giron

Blessed Beyond Measure

A Season Of Harvest by Lauraine Snelling with Kiersti Giron is the final book in Leah’s Garden series. It is a wonderful, warm historical Christian novel and set in 1868.

Each book in the series has focused on one of the four Nielson sisters, it is the turn of Lark, the eldest, in this book. Lark has always been a mother hen, looking out for others. She feels that she is destined to be alone, locking her heart up inside in order to protect. Her independence even draws her away from the gifts that God has for her, as she does not believe she is worthy to receive them.

Another character is also a loner, riddled with guilt that is left over from the American Civil War. He believes that he does not deserve love, finding it easier to keep moving – but he, too, will miss out on God’s best for him.

We all have a past. We must not live there but we can learn lessons from our past. “The past is behind us, but it mold shapes us.”

Prayer is important. “Lord… too much swirled in his mind and heart to find the words to pray just now. Good thing the Almighty didn’t require them.” Sometimes there are no words, but God knows just what is in our hearts.

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