Just Enough Light
Julia Monroe Begins Again by Rebekah Millet is a really fun contemporary Christian novel that will make you smile, and give you a warm, fuzzy feeling.
Although the tone is light-hearted, there are some serious themes including forgiveness and trusting God. “Forgiveness is not an easy thing to give.” Forgiveness may feel impossible in our own strength, that is when we need to press into God and forgive in His strength. Forgiveness may be a one-off event or a process. If we do not forgive, we are harming ourselves and guilty of hubris as we are placing ourselves above God’s standard.
God is faithful. We can trust Him. “All I could do was keep my eyes on Him, believing He would make a way. I didn’t have to understand His plans.” We don’t need to understand God, for His ways are not our ways. We can always trust God. “When God started moving, He really started moving.” Sometimes God moves with gentle nudges. At other times He will use a megaphone to get our attention.
God has great plans for our lives. He doesn’t want us to live a mediocre life. He wants us to live our best life. “Don’t let fear cripple you.” Put your hand in God’s hand, and step out in faith. We do not need to see the whole staircase in order to take the first step.
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