The Sweet Life by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Transforming Lives With Love

The Sweet Life by Suzanne Woods Fisher is a most delightful contemporary Christian novel. It is the first book in the Cape Cod Creamery series and I cannot wait for the subsequent books.

There are some books that as soon as you start, you just know you are going to adore the book, love the characters and never want it to end – The Sweet Life is one of those books. It is simply beautiful.

Suzanne Woods Fisher has developed a wonderful eclectic mix of characters. Each one has a back story. Each one is, or has been, battling problems that will prove to be turning points in their lives. Each one lodged in my heart. Did I have a favourite? I have to admit a soft spot for five year old cowboy Leo.

Sometimes in life we will have health issues that will knock us for six. We meet a character who is recovering from surgery for breast cancer. The only way to deal with it was to live in isolation. She did not want to share her story. However, her experiences meant she was able to spot another with a breast cancer diagnosis, and then walk beside her as it was a path that she had already trodden.

We also meet a character who has bad news after bad news heaped on her. She does not turn from God but directs her anger and her questions to Him. Where is God in the midst of her suffering? He walks beside her. She cannot see Him nor feel Him but “God was trying to get my attention and finally had to use a megaphone.” We need to be so in tune with God that we hear His whisper.

There is much bravery within the novel. We see characters stepping out in a new direction. It is both scary and exhilarating at the same time. Life is for living. When we can see God’s fingerprints on our lives, we know we are headed in the right direction. “This couldn’t be a coincidence. It had God’s fingerprints all over it.”

Whatever we face, God is with us, especially in our darkest days. “She trusted God to take care of her future, even when the situation seemed bleak.” God will never leave us nor forsake us.

Sometimes in life we are so busy striving that we forget to live. “There was always one more thing to achieve, one more goalpost to aim towards.” We need to have correct priorities – love God and love people, everything else is just fluff. We were not created to burn out. We are created to love.

The Bible will draw us closer to God. It is His love letter to us. “She leaned on God’s strength to get through the treatments… She would return to her Bible like it was a spring of fresh water and she was parched for thirst.”

We witness a complex mother-daughter relationship. They are totally different – spontaneity vs planning. There is a place for both in our lives. It is beautiful to watch character progression.

There is a wonderful community feel within the novel. Characters help each other where there can and they bond over ice cream.

We see an old building being restored. This is a motif for our lives. God longs to remove that which is no good and restore us with His love.

I absolutely adored The Sweet Life. I am sorry that the book is ended. It was so beautiful. The love that transforms, springs from the pages and into my heart. I am on to book two now.

I will leave you with my favourite quote:

“Having faith is a lot like drawing close to fire. You back away from it and the coals grow cold. You have to tend the fire for faith to grow.”

I received a free copy. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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