The Vanishing At Castle Moreau by Jaime Jo Wright

All The Broken Pieces

The Vanishing At Castle Moreau by Jaime Jo Wright is a fabulous dual timeline novel that totally consumed me. I always love Jaime Jo Wright’s books. They entertain me and always leave me wanting more.

The action is set in present day, 1870 and 1801. We slip seamlessly between the three periods. 1870 and present day have parallel action and themes. 1801 sets the scene.

Castle Moreau has been in a family for a couple of centuries. It has always had an air of mystery. It is a place of foreboding that the locals avoid. What goes on behind closed doors, remains there. Secrets are contained within the very bricks and mortar.

We see the bonds between grandparents and their grandchildren. The bonds are there to protect and to nurture.

There is the theme of nature versus nurture. Are we destined to repeat the sins of our ancestors? If they were monsters, do we have monsters lurking within?

How can we keep our loved ones safe? Sometimes “running away seemed the only escape.” A character runs from what she fears in order to protect those she loves. She “abandoned [ing] her in order to save her.”

There is the theme of rescue. We learn that “God … was a rescuer.” God rescues us from our situations. Sometimes He rescues us from ourselves. We see the father figure of God mirrored within the tale. We can put our hope and trust in God. Likewise, we see those within the novel who are also vessels for hope and trust, as secrets are sealed behind closed lips.

There is the air of the Gothic novel wafting over the book. Castle Moreau is built in the style we expect to find in the Gothic tradition – a dark house with many rooms, creaking floors, passageways and something walking the corridors at night. Not a read for the faint hearted!

God is close to us but “every night, God remained silent.” Just because we cannot hear God does not mean He is not working. It is important for us to keep the lines of communication open, for our benefit. “Sometimes she talked to God like He was a companion.”

God draws near to the broken hearted. He is a great healer. We can trust Him with our lives. “Broken pieces. Pieces only God can heal.”

All the characters were well drawn, likable and realistic. Jaime Jo Wright drew the reader into their world as we cared what happened to them.

I am sorry that The Vanishing At Castle Moreau has ended. I always adore Jaime Jo Wright’s books.

I received a free copy from the publishers. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.


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